Name and Objectives

  1. NAME: The name of the organization shall be The Horsin' Around Club. (HAC)
  2. OBJECTIVES: The following are the objectives for which this organization has been formed: To promote beginners as well as advance riders. All working together to increase the enjoyment and knowledge of riding and owning horses in all breeds and disciplines.

Membership and Dues

  1. MEMBERSHIP: in this organization shall be open to all who have current paid memberships, and a signed liability waiver.
  2. DUES: will be determined annually at a meeting of the membership in the following categories;
    a. Youth 18 and under
    b. Individual
    c. Family - defined as member, partner and dependent children

Order of Business

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Reading of the Minutes of the preceding meeting.
  3. Treasures report
  4. Reports of Committees.
  5. Reports of Officers.
  6. Old and Unfinished Business.
  7. New Business.
  8. Adjournments.


  1. The Board of Officers shall determine the date and time of the annual membership meeting. This meeting to be held in November.
  2. The Secretary will mail/email to members in good standing at his/her address as it appears in the membership roll book, a notice telling the time and place of such annual meeting.
  3. The presence of two of the officers and the members present will constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of this organization.


  1. It is required that you be a member to vote at club meeting and for officer elections. Youth who are members can vote.
  2. At all meetings, except for the election of officers all votes shall be by voice. For election of officers, ballots shall be provided.
  3. At any regular or special meeting, if a majority so requires, any question may be voted upon in the manner and style provided for election of officers.
  4. At all votes by ballot the president, prior to the commencement of balloting, shall appoint a committee of three who shall act as "Inspectors of Election" at the conclusion of such balloting, certify in writing to the president the results. No inspector shall be a candidate for office or shall be personally interested in the question voted upon.

Board of Officers

  1. The business of this organization shall be managed by a Board of Officers consisting of one member at large, together with the officers of this organization.
  2. When practical, the location and time of the all Board of Officers meetings will be published in advance.
  3. Current members of HAC shall be allowed to attend all meeting of the Board of Officers.
  4. Any appeals/grievances are to be handled in executive session.
  5. The member at large to be chosen for the ensuing year shall be chosen at the annual meeting in the same manner and style as the other officer and shall serve for a term of two years.
  6. The Board of Officers shall have the control and management of the affairs and business of this organization.
  7. Each officer shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. All board officers need to be included in the vote, 2 members can be contacted by phone.
  8. Vacancies in the Board of Officers shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Officers for the balance of the year.
  9. The President of the organization by virtue of his office shall be Chairman of the Board of Officers.


  1. The initial officers of the organization shall be as follows:
    Vice President
    Member at large
  2. The President shall preside at all membership meetings. He/She shall present at the annual meeting a report of the work of the organization. He/She shall appoint all committees, temporary or permanent. He/She shall be one of the officers who may sign the checks or drafts of the organization. He/She shall see that all books, reports and certificates are properly kept or filed.
  3. The Vice President shall in the event of the absence or inability of the President to exercise his office become acting president of the organization with all the rights, privileges and powers as if he had been the duly elected president. He/She will be responsible for judges, ribbons and show dates. He/She will accept any other responsibilities as assigned by the president.
  4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the organization. It shall be his/her duty to file any certificate required by any statute, federal or state. He/She shall give and serve all notices to members. He/She shall be the official custodian of the records of this organization. He/She shall present to the membership or to the Board of Officers any communications which shall be addressed to him/her as Secretary of the organization. He/She shall attend to all correspondence of the organization and shall exercise all duties incident to the office of Secretary. He/She will be responsible for keeping an accurate record of the membership receiving renewal of membership, enrolling new members and deleting expired members.
  5. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all monies belonging to the organization and shall be solely responsible. He/She shall cause to be deposited in a regular business bank or trust all funds of the organization. He/She must be one of the officers who shall sign checks or drafts. He/She shall render at stated periods, as determined by the Board of Officers, a written account of the finances of the organization and such report shall be physically affixed to the minutes of the Board of Officers. He/She shall exercise all duties incident to the office of Treasurer.
  6. The Member at Large shall perform the duties of a member of the Board of Officers, including duties as a member of any committee upon which he may be appointed to serve.
  7. No officer shall for reason of his office be entitled to receive any salary, but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent an officer for receiving any compensation from the organization for duties other than as an officer.


  1. The Board of Officers shall hire and fix the compensation of any and all employees, which they in their discretion may determine to be necessary. Compensation to be kept within the guidelines as set by the budget.


  1. The President shall appoint all committees of this organization, and their term of office shall be for a period of one year or less if terminated by the action of the President.

Rules of conduct, appeal/grievances and expulsion

  1. A member can appeal for an exception to a club rule by submitting a written request with applicable supporting information to the Board of Officers. Requests will be considered, with the majority vote decision final. All parties of a grievance will remain anonymous.
  2. A written grievance must be accompanied by a $100 fee - fee is nonrefundable. When a grievance is filed, one of the officers shall contact the member it was filed against, allowing them to present their side to the Board of Officers. The Board of Officer will consider grievances, with the majority voted being the final decision.
  3. Verbal/Physical abuse of officers or show staff will not be tolerated, and will be grounds for disqualification from high point awards eligibility and/or expulsion from the show. Board of Officers will take under consideration the degree of offence, which may result in loss of club affiliation. The period of time to be determined.
  4. Contestants, parents, trainers (all show attendees) are expected to be courteous, friendly and sportsman like at all times. All are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects a positive model. Gross acts of misconduct may result in loss of eligibility for high point and or expulsion.
  5. It is the individual's responsibility to fill out the liability waiver, and membership paperwork. We require a signed liability waiver to compete in any class. Anyone competing without a signed liability waiver will be disqualified.

Amendments and Rules of Order

  1. These By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a scheduled and posted meeting time.
  2. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern in all cases not consistent with these By Laws.

Please note: because of the possibility of human error in the publication, we ask that all mistakes that are found be brought to the attention of the President or Secretary of HAC.

Revised 1/16/2014